Employees Terms & Conditions


  1. We operate this platform with the collaboration and support from our customers (employers) comprising of various companies, Supermarkets, Hotels, Schools, Shop Owners, Business Men/Women in Abuja.
  2. We offer interview/selection process and placement for only private jobs in Abuja.
  3. We do not offer employment placement services for Government Ministry, Departments, Parastatal and Agencies.
  4. CV Registration is (N2,000) Two Thousand Naira.
  5. We run background checks on you and your guarantors.
  6. If checks are okay, we then grant you access to all interviews updates of all job opportunities that match your skill, qualification and experience here in Abuja.
  7. We train and score you on work ethics and Morals.
  8. You will also be included on our data base for unemployed persons in Abuja for selection purpose.
  9. You are responsible to pass job interview you attend through us and get selected.
  10. We will not take responsibility of you mixing with strangers. Face the reason why you patronise us only.
  11. If you are not selected, you stand infinite chances of attending further jobs interviews as long as you can defend your qualification, if not we advise you get a lower job offer.
  12. As regard salary, be reasonable at interview venues.
  13. You will pay us service change of 20% of your first salary of job granted you through our auspice.
  14. We encourage you to work and be responsible for yourself, family, friends, community and Nigeria as whole.
  15. Stay off Crimes and Drugs. Get a Job
  16. Thank you. May the purpose of your patronage be granted by God Almighty.